HIV Prevention Services and Resources For men who have sex with women and who inject drugs, or have partners who inject drugs

For men who have sex with women and who inject drugs,
or have partners who inject drugs

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(17 programs)

Program Name, Agency Name,
and Address:
  Primary Target
Advocating Responsible Community Health (ARCH) – Health Education and Risk Reduction (HERR)
Walden House, Inc.

815 Buena Vista Park
San Francisco, CA 94117
  HIV-positive Walden House clients whose behavior and relevant co-factors put them at high risk for transmitting HIV.
Advocating Responsible Community Health (ARCH) – Prevention with Positives
Walden House, Inc.

890 Hayes Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
  HIV-positive Walden House clients whose behavior and relevant co-factors put them at high risk for transmitting HIV.
City Clinic Counseling, Testing, and Linkages (CTL) Program
SFDPH – STD Prevention and Control Services

356 Seventh Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
  Primary target population is gay or bi men who present for an STD. Secondary target population is individuals of all ages and ethnicities what are at high risk and seek HIV counseling and testing services and/or post-exposure prophylaxis or are referred b
Forensic AIDS Project – Counseling, Testing, and Linkage (CTL)
Forensic AIDS Project

798 Brannan Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
  Individuals incarcerated in the San Francisco County jails.
Forensic AIDS Project – Hepatitus Services
Forensic AIDS Project

798 Brannan Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
  Individuals incarcerated in the San Francisco County jails.
HIV Prevention Project/ Needle Exchange
San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF)

995 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
  Injection drug users in San Francisco, including those individuals who inject illicit drugs, hormones, vitamins, and insulin
Continuum HIV Day Services

255 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
  HIV-positive men, women, and trangender individuals that are incarcerated in the SF County Jails (for a period of no less that two weeks), or in State or Federal prison (for a period of no less than two months), who are nearing their release dates and wil
Larkin Street Youth Services – Citywide Adolescent Testing Initiative
Larkin Street Youth Services

1138 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
  HIV-negative male, female,and transgender youth in San Francisco, aged 12 to 24, what are at risk of HIV infection
Larkin Street Youth Services – Counseling, Testing, and Linkage (CTL)
SFDPH – Community Health Programs for Youth (CHPY)

1138 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
415-673-0911 x259 (Clinic)
  Youth in San Francisco between the ages of 12 and 24 years old
Larkin Street Youth Services – Health Education and Risk Reduction (HERR)
SFDPH – Community Health Programs for Youth (CHPY)

1138 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
415-673-0911 x259 (Clinic)
  HIV-negative female youth of color, aged 13-19 years old, and having a high prevelence for contracting STDs.
Prevention with Positives (PWP)
Tenderloin Health Continuum of Care

255 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
415-437-2900 x120
  Clients served by Continuum’s Tenderloin Care Clinic (TLCC).
San Francisco Needle Exchange (SFNE)
Haight Ashbury Free Clinic

1696 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
  Intraveneous drug users in the Haight neighborhood with and emphasis on youth and women
Tenderloin Health Promotion Center
Tenderloin Health Continuum of Care

183-191 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94142
  Homeless and marginally-housed residents of the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco
Tenderloin HIV Counseling, Testing, and Linkage (CTL) Collaborative
Tenderloin Health Continuum of Care

183-191 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94142
  Homeless and marginally-housed residents of the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco
Tenderloin HIV Counseling, Testing, and Linkage (CTL) Collaborative
Tom Waddell Health Center

50 Ivy Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
  Homeless and marginally-housed residents of the Tenderloin, Civic Center, and South of Market/6th Street neighborhoods of San Francisco
Tenderloin HIV Prevention with Positives (PWP) Collaborative
Tenderloin Health Continuum of Care

183-191 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94142
  HIV-positive homeless and marginally-housed residents of the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco who have a known history of substance abuse, and are accessing medical care within the Tenderloin Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Tenderloin HIV Prevention with Positives (PWP) Collaborative
Tom Waddell Health Center

50 Ivy Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
  HIV-positive homeless and marginally-housed residents of the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco who have a known history of substance abuse, and are accessing medical care within the Tenderloin Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS


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