Testing and Linkage to Care

The information is this page is intended for Training Coordinators at agencies providing HIV counseling and testing services in San Francisco.

Testing Coordinators Meetings

Coordinator Meetings are held on the second Friday of every other month at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Room 330A from 1-3PM, unless specified otherwise. Often, new procedures, information, and materials are provided at these meetings, so attendance is mandatory for all coordinators.

San Francisco HIV Testing Sites Policies and Operation Manual

The Policies and Operations Manual for HIV/HCV Testing Services in Community-Based Settings is designed for HIV counselors, technicians, test site coordinators, and related staff to ensure high-quality testing services that meet clients’ needs. It is intended for use by new and more experienced counselors and technicians. The test site coordinator is responsible for ensuring all testing site staff adhere to these policies and operations. This document is meant to be universal—applicable to all community-based sites and agencies supported by the HIV Prevention Section of the San Francisco Department of Public Health to perform HIV testing.

If you are interesting in obtaining a copy of the HIV Testing Sites Policies and Operational Manual and/or if you have further questions or concerns regarding local testing protocols please contact Jose Luis Guzman at 415-437-6295 or via email at [email protected].