Our community partners receive funding to provide services to the individuals and communities most affected by HIV as identified by the HIV Prevention Planning Council. Take a look at the wide range of quality HIV prevention services offered in San Francisco!
- Ark of Refuge, Inc.
- Asian and Pacific Islander
(A&PI) Wellness Center - Bay Positives
- Better World Advertising
- Black Coalition on AIDS
- Cabra Diseno International
- Centerforce
- Continuum
- Girls After School Academy
- Harder+Company Community Research
- Homeless Youth Alliance
- Instituto Familiar de la Raza (IFR)
- Iris Center
- Larkin Street Youth Services (LSYS)
- Magnet
- Mission Neighborhood Health Center
- Mobilization Against AIDS International
- Native American AIDS Project (NAAP)
- New Leaf Services
- San Francisco AIDS Foundation
- San Francisco LGBT Community Center
- SFDPH City Clinic
- SFDPH Community Health Programs for Youth
- SFDPH Forensic AIDS Project
- SFDPH Microbiology Laboratory
- SFDPH STD Prevention and Control
- Shanti
- St. James Infirmary
- STOP AIDS Project
- Tenderloin Health
- Tom Waddell Health Center (SFDPH)
- UCSF AIDS Health Project (AHP)
- UCSF Positive Health Program (PHP)
- UCSF The Stonewall Project
- UCSF Women’s and Children’s Specialty
- Walden House