Provider and Contractor Resources

The Provider

Relations team provides technical assistance, helps you obtain resources,

and works with you to navigate the City of San Francisco contracting process.

Contract Instructions & Forms

This section of the website was developed to assist organizations

in the development of your contracts, and contains all of the necessay forms and information you will need to complete your contracts. There are also tools to help your agency with budget revisions, in addition to general information

regarding details you will need to know to know to conduct business with

the City and County of San Franciscso.

All contract forms and instructions are located on the Contract Instructions & Forms web page. You can either download the instructions and forms individually, or download all of them in a single “zipped” file. Since most of the contract instructions and many of the forms change infrequently, you may only need to download individual files rather than the entire set.

HPS Resource Inventory

This is an optional resource for program development. The resource inventory includes articles, websites, and other resources describing evidence-based interventions, best practices, innovative approaches, and other relevant information that might be useful for program design. The library is not exhaustive, and the programs and interventions described are not necessarily endorsed by HPS. The articles are offered only as a resource; applicants do not have to limit themselves to the models and approaches described in these articles.

Sexual Risk Behavior Change

Literature Review: Drivers and Sexual Behavior Change

Literature Review: Sexual Behavior Change for HIV+ People

HIV Testing

Literature Review: HIV Testing

Prevention with Positives

Literature Review: Engagement in Care

Presentation: Engagement in Care

Literature Review: Treatment Adherance

Syringe Access

Document: Syringe Access Best Practices: UCHAPS

Document: San Francisco Syringe Access and Disposal Program Policy and Guidelines


Document: Partnering with Nonprofits in Tough Times

Resource List: Resources for Program Planning