Moupali Das

Moupali Das, M.D., M.P.H., is the Director of Implementation Science and Evaluation Research in the HIV Prevention Section at the San Francisco Department of Public Health, and an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Divisions of Infectious Diseases and HIV/AIDS at San Francisco General Hospital at the University of California, San Francisco. She is a board …

Jenna M. Rapues

As a health worker for the HIV Prevention Section of the SF DPH AIDS Office, I currently provide technical and programmatic assistance to the San Francisco Disclosure Initiative, facilitate the bi-monthly Transgender Advisory Group meetings and provide health education and safer sex materials to high school students within the San Francisco Unified School District – …

Grant Colfax

Grant Colfax MD Director of HIV Prevention & Research [email protected] Grant Colfax, MD, is Director of the HIV Prevention and Research Section in the San Francisco Department of Public Health AIDS Office. Dr. Colfax is an NIH- and CDC-funded research scientist whose main focus is on developing interventions to reduce HIV and HIV risk behavior …

Eileen Loughran

Eileen Loughran Health Educator Community Planning & Health Education [email protected] (415) 554-9124 I work with the Membership/Community Liaison Committee and the New Approaches to Prevention Committee to plan and coordinate agendas, work plan, and yearly goals. I also support HPPC activities (eg. agenda development and meeting logistics) and provide condoms and health education to high …

Jenna M. Rapues

Jenna M. Rapues Health Worker III [email protected] (415) 554-9131 As a health worker for the HIV Prevention Section of the SF DPH AIDS Office, I currently provide technical and programmatic assistance to the San Francisco Disclosure Initiative, facilitate the bi-monthly Transgender Advisory Group meetings and provide health education and safer sex materials to high school …

John Pabustan

John Pabustan Program Manager [email protected] (415) 554-9026 Provide technical assistance to community-agency HIV Prevention service providers funded by the SFDPH AIDS office. Some of the programs I manage include the Needle exchange and the HIV prevention in correctional facilities programs. Previously worked with the San Diego Youth and Community Services coordinating their HIV prevention program. …

Vincent Fuqua

Vincent Fuqua Health/Community Educator Community Planning & Health Education [email protected] (415) 554-9073 My involvement in the field of HIV dates back to 1989. At that time I was involved with Lavender Youth Recreational and Information Center (LYRIC). Currently I am working as a Community Health Educator which involves me with the following activities: 1. The …

Glenn-Milo Santos

Dr. Santos is a Senior Research Scientist in the Center for Public Health Research in the San Francisco Department of Public Health and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Health Systems at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). He obtained his Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Translational Sciences at UCSF and his M.P.H. in Epidemiology …

Phillip Coffin

Phillip O. Coffin, M.D., M.I.A., F.A.C.P., is the Director of Substance Use Research at the San Francisco Department of Public Health. He is board-certified in internal medicine, infectious diseases, and addiction medicine; specific foci of Dr. Coffin’s training include general infectious diseases, HIV and viral hepatitis, buprenorphine maintenance, addiction management, and drug poisoning. As Director, …