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December 14, 2010

Request for Proposals No. 21-2010

“HIV Prevention Programs for Communities Higly Affected by HIV”

Conference Agenda

Bidders Conference PPT

Bidders Conference Q&A Document

TMSM Community Forum

Transmales who have sex with males (TMSM) are an emerging HIV risk population. On December 13, 2010 The HIV Prevention Section in collaboration with the HIV Prevention Planning Council and Magnet heald a community forum about the HIV prevention needs of TMSM in San Francisco.

Event’s Flyer

Event’s Agenda

Transmale RAP PPT

Summary of 09 TMSM Town Hall

Trans Terminology

TMSM CAPS Fact Sheet English

TMSM CAPS Fact Sheet Spanish

TMSM Resource Listing

November 17, 2010

The HIV Prevention Section’s Request for Proposals (RFP) 21-2010 “HIV Prevention Programs for Communities Highly Affected by HIV” was released on November 17, 2010.  The complete RFP package can be downloaded from the following site:

November 4, 2010

The estimated release date for the RFP is November 17, 2010. This date is tentative and is subject to change. Applications will be due in 2011.

September 22, 2010

This update is offered in response to community and provider inquiries about the HIV Prevention Section’s request for proposals (RFP).

The following timeline is subject to change. We will provide an update if we anticipate any changes.

We are aiming to release the RFP in November 2010. Applications will be due in 2011.

We are aware that HIV Health Services (HHS) will also be issuing an RFP in 2010. We are working closely with HHS to ensure that proposal due dates and other key dates do not conflict, in order to minimize the burden on applicants.


August 27, 2010

The HIV Prevention Planning Council (HPPC) Steering Committee approved to support the Vienna Declaration. To learn more about the Vienna Declaration, click here.

July 23, 2010

The Membership Committee of the HIV Prevention Planning Council (HPPC) has started its annual effort to recruit new Council members. More information

July 22, 2010

HIV/AIDS Funding Restored in SF Budget

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 10-1 on Tuesday, July 20 to pass a $6.5 billion budget that includes a total of more than $1 million to restore funding related to HIV/AIDS and youth. More

July 20, 2010

National HIV/AIDS Strategy

Last week, President Obama released the National HIV/AIDS Strategy – a comprehensive plan to fight HIV in the United States with three primary goals:

  1. Reducing the number of people who become infected with HIV;

  2. Increasing access to care and optimizing health outcomes for people living with HIV; and,

  3. Reducing HIV-related health disparities.

The National HIV/AIDS Strategy demands unprecedented levels of coordination among Federal agencies, state and local government and community groups to achieve our goals. This plan outlines the steps the Federal Government will take to implement this strategy. Federal Implementation Plan

Also, on July 13 2010, President Barack Obama issued this memorandum to the heads of Federal agencies and departments regarding the implementation of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. President’s Memorandum to Federal Agencies

July 18, 2010

XVIII International AIDS Conference

Online coverage

Pprovided by the Kaiser Family Foundation

Vienna, Austria

July 18-23, 2010

June 29, 2010

New Directions in HIV Prevention: HIV Prevention Planning Council (HPPC) Work Group



June 09, 2010

New Directions in HIV Prevention: HIV Prevention Planning Council (HPPC) Work Group



Summary of Emerging Themes

April 19, 2010

Notes from 04/06/2010 African-American Action Plan Working Group New Directions meeting

April 12, 2010

New Directions HIV Prevention:

African American Action Plan Working Group

New Directions HIV Prevention:

Transgender Advisory Group

March 8 , 2010

New Directions in HIV Prevention PowerPoint Presentation (Complete)

New Directions in HIV Prevention PowerPointPresentation (Condensed)

February 24, 2010

On February 24th, AIDS Office Counseling, Testing, and Linkage Staff, Native American Health, and Tom Waddell Health Center staff provided over 100 HIV tests at Project Homeless Connect. Many participants had not been tested for many years before the event. Because of the simple oral swab and the 20 minute wait for “Rapid Test” processing, 96% of those tested received their results on the same day.

February 22, 2010

***2010 San Francisco HIV Prevention Plan***

is now available to download. 

December 29, 2009

In Loving MemoryMarcelMiranda

Marcel Miranda

1956 – 2009

It is with sadness that we recognize the loss of our friend and colleague Marcel Miranda. A celebration of his life will be held on Sunday, January 24, 2010

at 1:00Pm in the Glide Sanctuary (330 Ellis @ Taylor).

If you have any questions, please contact Thomas Knoble at 415.703.7279.

October 20, 2009

H1N1 Swine Flu

H1N1 swine flu is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. It was first found in people in April 2009. Swine flu has caused illnes all over the world, including San Francisco.

For up-to-date information about H1N1 swine flu, please visit the Department of Public Health H1N1 swine flu website at:

August 18, 2009

HPPC is Recruiting for New Members

The Membership/Community Liaison Committee of the HIV Prevention Planning Council (HPPC) has reopened the recruitment of new members among these several targeted populations:

  • Youth who are 24 and under

  • Native American Men who have sex with men (MSM)

  • Trans people

  • Asian and Pacific Islanders

  • Latino/as or Hispanic

If you are interested or know of someone who is interested, please apply by filling out an HPPC membership application by 5 PM on August 28, 2009. The only requirements for membership are that interested individuals live or work in San Francisco and can commit 7-10 hours a month to HPPC business. We encourage anyone to apply who is committed to HIV prevention and willing to contribute to the work of the Council.

July 31, 2009

RFP 23-2009

Behavioral Health Services Mega-RFP 

The SF Dept. of Public Health, Community Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) is soliciting proposals from interested proposers to provide behavioral health services to (1) children, youth and their families (CYF) and (2) transitional youth, adults and older adults. This Request for Proposals (RFP) includes a wide range of behavioral health (mental health and substance abuse) modalities.  The RFP also includes services and supports funded through the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) for transitional age youth, adults and older adults. View details

July 15 , 2009

RFP 21-2009

Health Education & Risk Reduction Services to Latina Transfemales

The City and County of San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), Community Programs – HIV Prevention Services (HPS), is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide Health Education & Risk Reduction Services (HERR) to the  Latina Transfemale population.  View details  

June 27, 2009ntl_hiv_testing_day_logo

This year, National HIV Testing Day is on Saturday, June 27th. Across the country, thousands of HIV counseling and testing sites, state and local health departments, and community-based HIV/AIDS service providers will participate in NHTD events by holding health fairs, providing community and media outreach, hosting special testing-related events, or operating extended hours. View San Francisco events

August 4, 2008

On August 3rd, the CDC released updated national estimates of the annual number of new HIV infections in the U.S. The new analysis discovered that there were about 56,300 new HIV infections in the U.S. in 2006, about 40% higher than the CDC’s estimates for each of the previous few years. The study did not calculate the total number of U.S. residents living with HIV/AIDS, although such estimates are expected soon.

CDC Press Release

Local ABC7 news story about updated HIV estimates

CDC’s Kevin Fenton Discusses HIV Incidence in the U.S.

CDC website: HIV/AIDS Surveillance, HIV Incidence

June 3 , 2008

In 2007, four HIV prevention agencies participated in a qualitative evaluation/story-telling project, where they worked with researchers to tell the story of HIV prevention through the voices of staff, volunteers, and clients. The Project STOREE Qualitative Evaluation final report is now available.

April 30, 2008

Today, MTVu and the Kaiser Family Foundation, in partnership with POZ Magazine, unveiled “Pos or Not” an online game that challenges stereotypes and breaks down the barriers that may prevent people from talking openly about HIV/AIDS, getting tested, and using protection. It also provides users with HIV prevention information and local HIV and STD testing resources. Full Story

April 24, 2008

HIV Prevention Director ups public role (BAR 4/24)

April 19, 2008

SFDPH publishes research paper, looking at HAART use and HIV transmission risk among individuals who are HIV infected and recently released from jail. View research paper

April 17, 2008

The HIV Prevention Section is holding a series of community meetings with the residents of various San Francisco neighborhoods to discuss current prevention efforts, and to gather community input and feedback on potential future prevention strategies. For more information, call 415-554-9000.

February 22, 2008

New website assists providers with developing evidence-based HIV Prevention programming in California: CHOICEHIV.ORG

February 5, 2008

San Francisco AIDS Foundation and San Francisco Department of Public Health Issue Statement on the Swiss AIDS Commission’s Report on HIV Transmission (PDF)

February 1, 2008

Oral Sex brochure updated for 2008: “Oral Sex – Using Your Head” (PDF) (front, back)

January 18, 2008

SFDPH Health Advisory released on Community Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (CA-MRSA) Infections in San Francisco

August 16, 2007

HIV Prevention chief named (BAR 8/16)



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