Moupali Das, M.D., M.P.H., is the Director of Implementation Science and Evaluation Research in the HIV Prevention Section at the San Francisco Department of Public Health, and an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Divisions of Infectious Diseases and HIV/AIDS at San Francisco General Hospital at the University of California, San Francisco. She is a board certified Infectious Diseases clinician/HIV specialist with research expertise in implementation science and operations research, in particular, using routinely collected HIV surveillance data to evaluate the impact of a comprehensive public health approach to HIV, including multi-level HIV prevention interventions. She has developed a novel population-based biologic indicator, community viral load (CVL), for monitoring the HIV epidemic prevention and control. Her manuscript on CVL (Das, PLOS One 2010) has been cited as the basis for measuring CVL in President Barack Obama’s National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) and provides the framework for the NHAS recommendation that CVL be used as an outcome measure to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy. Currently, she is refining the CVL methodology and exploring using CVL as a marker for several planned multi-level HIV prevention trials.
Dr. Das’s expertise in the field has been recognized by invitations to advise various federal and international entities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health and Human Services, Office of Management and Budget and World Health Organization and by her appointment to the Institute of Medicine Committee on Reviewing Data Systems for Monitoring HIV/AIDS Care.
In addition to her research and policy work, Dr. Das is a dedicated clinician-educator who takes care of HIV-infected patients at San Francisco General’s historic Ward 86, attends on the inpatient Infectious Disease service, and teaches and advises numerous medical students, residents, fellows, researchers, and interns. She is passionate about addressing health disparities among disproportionately affected populations as well as increasing educational opportunities and the representation of underrepresented students in science.