The HIV Prevention Planning Council (HPPC) sets priorities for HIV prevention in San Francisco. Members of this group are from local communities, agencies and government, and they reflect San Francisco’s diverse population.
The Council uses information about the local epidemic to decide which populations are in greatest need of HIV prevention services and to determine the best ways to meet those needs with the available resources. These decisions guide funding of programs and services by the San Francisco Department of Public Health HIV Prevention Section.
The majority of the HPPC’s work is done in task-oriented work groups that have specific objectives and are time limited. Work groups are created to address specific topic areas relevant to the work of the Council’s scope of work. Members of the work groups include both council and non-council members with interest and/or expertise in the topic areas.
Currently, the HPPC is in the process of merging with the HIV Health Services Planning Council (HHSPC) with the purpose of ensuring a continuum of HIV services for community members at risk for and living with HIV. May 23rd is the estimated date for merging.