HIV Prevention Section Units

AIDS ribbonClinical Prevention

Implementation of clinical HIV prevention interventions and assuring their sustainability through city systems.

Community-Based Prevention

Guides aand supports HIV providers in celivering effective, cost efficient HIV prevention services.

Finance and Operations

Manages funding, personnel, professional growth, IT, and space planning to ensure a seamless integration of research and programmatic initiatives.

Implementation Science and Evaluation Research

This unit will contribute to building the evidence base and bringing that evidence into practice; all the way from the “bench, to bedside, and into the barrio.”


Moniitors and supports policy and informs its implications. Ensures representation of community voice and health department goals at local, state and anational levels.

Strategic Integration

Responsible for the integration and alignment of San Francisco’s HIV efforts to ensure a seamless continuum of HIV prevention, care and treatmnet.


Substance Use Research

Conducts sustance-use research that contributes to reducing new HIV infections and increases health equity in San Francisco. .